Flattern is a clean, flat and professional website template created with latest version of bootstrap framework. Coming with flat, young, modern and trendy design this template will suitable for corporate business, agency, consulting business, startup company, finance business, insurance, loan, tax help, Investment firm etc.
Flattern HTML Template is perfect solution and follow highly quality standards and technologies like Bootstrap framework, HTML5 & CSS3 also W3C valid html. Flattern HTML template is fully responsive responsive and works perfectly on any screen.
Start using Flattern bootstrap template and create something amazing today!
Some of the key features include:
- Clean and modern design
- Sass/SCSS source files included (pro and membership users only)
- PHP/Ajax contact form script (pro version only)
- Latest Bootstrap version
- Animation on scroll effects
- Clean code and easy to customize
- Off-canvas mobile menu
- Testimonials carousel
- Portfolio with lightbox support
- Responsive Layout
- Smooth Scroll
- SEO Optimized
- Cross Browser compatible