
Basic Modal

Toggle a working modal demo by clicking the button below. It will slide down and fade in from the top of the page

Disabled Backdrop

You can disable the backdrop by adding data-bs-backdrop="false" to .modal-dialog

Scrolling long content

When modals become too long for the user’s viewport or device, they scroll independent of the page itself. You can also create a scrollable modal that allows scroll the modal body by adding .modal-dialog-scrollable to .modal-dialog

Vertically Centered

Add .modal-dialog-centered to .modal-dialog to vertically center the modal.

Modal Sizes

Modals have three optional sizes, available via modifier classes to be placed on a .modal-dialog. These sizes kick in at certain breakpoints to avoid horizontal scrollbars on narrower viewports..

Disabled Animation

For modals that simply appear rather than fade in to view, remove the .fade class from your .modal element